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All Outputs (88)

Revealing microscale bulk structures in polymer–carbon nanocomposites using spin-echo SANS (2024)
Journal Article
Tiihonen, L. V., Weir, M. P., Parnell, A. J., Boothroyd, S. C., Johnson, D. W., Dalgliesh, R. M., Bleuel, M., Duif, C. P., Bouwman, W. G., Thompson, R. L., Coleman, K. S., Clarke, N., Hamilton, W. A., Washington, A. L., & Parnell, S. R. (2024). Revealing microscale bulk structures in polymer–carbon nanocomposites using spin-echo SANS. Soft Matter, 20(43), 8663-8674.

We have used spin-echo small-angle neutron scattering (SESANS) to probe the hierarchy of structures present in polymer–carbon nanocomposites, with length scales spanning over three orders of magnitude, from 10 nm to 16 μm. The data processing and red... Read More about Revealing microscale bulk structures in polymer–carbon nanocomposites using spin-echo SANS.

Graphitization by Metal Particles (2023)
Journal Article
Goldie, S. J., & Coleman, K. S. (2023). Graphitization by Metal Particles. ACS Omega, 8(3), 3278-3285.

Graphitization of carbon offers a promising route to upcycle waste biomass and plastics into functional carbon nanomaterials for a range of applications including energy storage devices. One challenge to the more widespread utilization of this techno... Read More about Graphitization by Metal Particles.

Identification of Graphene Dispersion Agents through Molecular Fingerprints (2022)
Journal Article
Goldie, S. J., Degiacomi, M. T., Jiang, S., Clark, S. J., Erastova, V., & Coleman, K. S. (2022). Identification of Graphene Dispersion Agents through Molecular Fingerprints. ACS Nano, 16(10),

The scalable production and dispersion of 2D materials, like graphene, is critical to enable their use in commercial applications. While liquid exfoliation is commonly used, solvents such as N-methyl-pyrrolidone (NMP) are toxic and difficult to scale... Read More about Identification of Graphene Dispersion Agents through Molecular Fingerprints.

Cobalt nanoparticle catalysed graphitization and the effect of metal precursor decomposition temperature (2021)
Journal Article
Goldie, S. J., Jiang, S., & Coleman, K. S. (2021). Cobalt nanoparticle catalysed graphitization and the effect of metal precursor decomposition temperature. Materials Advances, 2(10), 3353-3361.

Porous carbon foams hold great promise for supercapacitors and next generation energy storage materials but greater control over the formation of the pore structure would aid the development of these materials. High temperature graphitization has bee... Read More about Cobalt nanoparticle catalysed graphitization and the effect of metal precursor decomposition temperature.

Statistical Approach to Raman Analysis of Graphene-Related Materials: Implications for Quality Control (2020)
Journal Article
Goldie, S. J., Bush, S., Cumming, J. A., & Coleman, K. S. (2020). Statistical Approach to Raman Analysis of Graphene-Related Materials: Implications for Quality Control. ACS Applied Nano Material, 3(11), 11229-11239.

A statistical method to determine the number of measurements required from nanomaterials to ensure reliable and robust analysis is described. Commercial products utilizing graphene are in their infancy and recent investigations of commercial graphene... Read More about Statistical Approach to Raman Analysis of Graphene-Related Materials: Implications for Quality Control.

Controlled Structure Evolution of Graphene Networks in Polymer Composites (2018)
Journal Article
Boothroyd, S. C., Johnson, D. W., Weir, M. P., Reynolds, C. D., Hart, J. M., Smith, A. J., …Coleman, K. S. (2018). Controlled Structure Evolution of Graphene Networks in Polymer Composites. Chemistry of Materials, 30(5), 1524-1531.

Exploiting graphene’s exceptional physical properties in polymer composites is a significant challenge because of the difficulty in controlling the graphene conformation and dispersion. Reliable processing of graphene polymer composites with uniform... Read More about Controlled Structure Evolution of Graphene Networks in Polymer Composites.

Gram-scale production of nitrogen doped graphene using a 1,3-dipolar organic precursor and its utilisation as a stable, metal free oxygen evolution reaction catalyst (2017)
Journal Article
Bayazit, M. K., Moniz, S. J., & Coleman, K. S. (2017). Gram-scale production of nitrogen doped graphene using a 1,3-dipolar organic precursor and its utilisation as a stable, metal free oxygen evolution reaction catalyst. Chemical Communications, 53(55), 7748-7751.

For the first time, a one-step scalable synthesis of a few-layer ∼10% nitrogen doped (N-doped) graphene nanosheets (GNSs) from a stable but highly reactive 1,3-dipolar organic precursor is reported. The utilization of these N-doped GNSs as metal-free... Read More about Gram-scale production of nitrogen doped graphene using a 1,3-dipolar organic precursor and its utilisation as a stable, metal free oxygen evolution reaction catalyst.

Formation of 3D Graphene Foams on Soft Templated Metal Monoliths (2016)
Journal Article
Tynan, M., Johnson, D., Dobson, B., & Coleman, K. (2016). Formation of 3D Graphene Foams on Soft Templated Metal Monoliths. Nanoscale, 8(27), 13303-13310.

Graphene foams are leading contenders as frameworks for polymer thermosets, filtration/pollution control and for use as an electrode material in energy storage devices, taking advantage of graphene’s high electrical conductivity and the porous struct... Read More about Formation of 3D Graphene Foams on Soft Templated Metal Monoliths.

Distortion of Chain Conformation and Reduced Entanglement in Polymer–Graphene Oxide Nanocomposites (2016)
Journal Article
Weir, M., Johnson, D., Boothroyd, S., Savage, R., Thompson, R., King, S., …Clarke, N. (2016). Distortion of Chain Conformation and Reduced Entanglement in Polymer–Graphene Oxide Nanocomposites. ACS Macro Letters, 5(4), 430-434.

We study the conformations of polymer chains in polymer–graphene oxide nanocomposites. We show that the chains have a reduced radius of gyration that is consistent with confinement at a solid interface in the melt, as is expected for well-dispersed,... Read More about Distortion of Chain Conformation and Reduced Entanglement in Polymer–Graphene Oxide Nanocomposites.

Extrinsic Wrinkling and Single Exfoliated Sheets of Graphene Oxide in Polymer Composites (2016)
Journal Article
Weir, M. P., Johnson, D. W., Boothroyd, S. C., Savage, R. C., Thompson, R. L., Parnell, S. R., …Clarke, N. (2016). Extrinsic Wrinkling and Single Exfoliated Sheets of Graphene Oxide in Polymer Composites. Chemistry of Materials, 28(6), 1698-1704.

We study the conformation of graphene oxide as the filler in nanocomposites of polystyrene and poly(methyl methacrylate) using inverse-space scattering techniques and atomic force microscopy. By subtracting the polymer scattering to estimate the scat... Read More about Extrinsic Wrinkling and Single Exfoliated Sheets of Graphene Oxide in Polymer Composites.

A Manufacturing Perspective on Graphene Dispersions (2015)
Journal Article
Johnson, D., Dobson, B., & Coleman, K. (2015). A Manufacturing Perspective on Graphene Dispersions. Current Opinion in Colloid and Interface Science, 20(5-6), 367-382.

Harnessing the exceptional physical properties of graphene often requires its dispersion into aqueous or organic media. Dispersion must be achieved at a concentration and stability appropriate to the final application. However, the strong interaction... Read More about A Manufacturing Perspective on Graphene Dispersions.

Graphene oxide nanocapsules within silanized hydrogels suitable for electrochemical pseudocapacitors (2015)
Journal Article
Kataky, R., Hadden, J., Coleman, K., Ntola, C., Chowdhury, M., Duckworth, A., …Shenton, F. (2015). Graphene oxide nanocapsules within silanized hydrogels suitable for electrochemical pseudocapacitors. Chemical Communications, 51(51), 10345-10348.

Soft biocompatible gels comprised of rolled up graphene oxide nanocapsules within the pores of silanized hydrogels may be used as electrochemical pseudocapacitors with physiological glucose or KOH as a reducing agent, affording a material suitable fo... Read More about Graphene oxide nanocapsules within silanized hydrogels suitable for electrochemical pseudocapacitors.

Sensing properties of light-emitting single walled carbon nanotubes prepared via click chemistry of ylides bound to the nanotube surface (2015)
Journal Article
Bayazit, M., Pålsson, L., & Coleman, K. (2015). Sensing properties of light-emitting single walled carbon nanotubes prepared via click chemistry of ylides bound to the nanotube surface. RSC Advances, 5(46), 36865-36873.

Pyridinium ylide functionalized single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) generated from simple quaternary pyridinium salts covalently bound to the SWCNT surface undergo a 1, 3 dipolar cycloaddition with dimethyl acetylenedicarboxylate in a ‘click’ che... Read More about Sensing properties of light-emitting single walled carbon nanotubes prepared via click chemistry of ylides bound to the nanotube surface.

Exploring the alignment of carbon nanotubes dispersed in a liquid crystal matrix using coplanar electrodes (2015)
Journal Article
Volpati, D., Massey, M., Johnson, D., Kotsialos, A., Qaiser, F., Pearson, C., …Petty, M. (2015). Exploring the alignment of carbon nanotubes dispersed in a liquid crystal matrix using coplanar electrodes. Journal of Applied Physics, 117(12), Article 125303.

We report on the use of a liquid crystalline host medium to align single-walled carbon nanotubes in an electric field using an in-plane electrode configuration. Electron microscopy reveals that the nanotubes orient in the field with a resulting incre... Read More about Exploring the alignment of carbon nanotubes dispersed in a liquid crystal matrix using coplanar electrodes.

A theoretical and experimental exploration of the mechanism of microwave assisted 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition of pyridinium ylides to single walled carbon nanotubes (2014)
Journal Article
Bayazit, M. K., Celebi, N., & Coleman, K. S. (2014). A theoretical and experimental exploration of the mechanism of microwave assisted 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition of pyridinium ylides to single walled carbon nanotubes. Materials Chemistry and Physics: Including Materials Science Communications, 145(1-2), 99-107.

Cycloaddition reactions have widely been used for surface functionalization of single walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs). Here, 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition (1,3-DC) of two new pyridinium ylides, generated in-situ via the addition of triethylamine (NEt3) t... Read More about A theoretical and experimental exploration of the mechanism of microwave assisted 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition of pyridinium ylides to single walled carbon nanotubes.

Synthesis and Characterization of Molecularly-Bridged Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes and Electrical Properties of Their Films (2013)
Journal Article
Jombert, A. S., Bayazit, M. K., Herron, C. R., Coleman, K. S., & Zeze, D. A. (2013). Synthesis and Characterization of Molecularly-Bridged Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes and Electrical Properties of Their Films. Science of Advanced Materials, 5(12), 1967-1973.

Covalently interconnected single walled carbon nanotube (SWNT) networks have attracted a particular interest due to their enhanced accessible surface area. Herein, an elegant way of preparing covalently interconnected SWNTs is demonstrated for the fi... Read More about Synthesis and Characterization of Molecularly-Bridged Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes and Electrical Properties of Their Films.

Graphene Film Growth on Polycrystalline Metals (2013)
Journal Article
Edwards, R. S., & Coleman, K. S. (2013). Graphene Film Growth on Polycrystalline Metals. Accounts of Chemical Research, 46(1), 23-30.

Graphene, a true wonder material, is the newest member of the nanocarbon family. The continuous network of hexagonally arranged carbon atoms gives rise to exceptional electronic, mechanical, and thermal properties, which could result In the applicati... Read More about Graphene Film Growth on Polycrystalline Metals.

Graphene synthesis: relationship to applications (2013)
Journal Article
Edwards, R. S., & Coleman, K. S. (2013). Graphene synthesis: relationship to applications. Nanoscale, 5(1), 38-51.

Graphene is a true wonder material that promises much in a variety of applications that include electronic devices, supercapacitors, batteries, composites, flexible transparent displays and sensors. This review highlights the different methods availa... Read More about Graphene synthesis: relationship to applications.

Unweaving the rainbow: a review of the relationship between single-walled carbon nanotube molecular structures and their chemical reactivity (2012)
Journal Article
Hodge, S. A., Bayazit, M. K., Coleman, K. S., & Shaffer, M. S. (2012). Unweaving the rainbow: a review of the relationship between single-walled carbon nanotube molecular structures and their chemical reactivity. Chemical Society Reviews, 41(12), 4409-4429.

Single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) are a fundamental family of distinct molecules, each bearing the possibility of different reactivities due to their intrinsically distinct chemical properties. SWNT syntheses generate a heterogeneous mixture of... Read More about Unweaving the rainbow: a review of the relationship between single-walled carbon nanotube molecular structures and their chemical reactivity.

Probing the Selectivity of Azomethine Imine Cycloaddition to Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes by Resonance Raman Spectroscopy (2012)
Journal Article
Bayazit, M. K., & Coleman, K. S. (2012). Probing the Selectivity of Azomethine Imine Cycloaddition to Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes by Resonance Raman Spectroscopy. Chemistry - An Asian Journal, 7(12), 2925-2930.

Selective covalent surface modification of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) is of great importance to various carbon nanotube-based applications as it might offer an alternative method for enriching metallic and semiconducting nanotubes. Herein... Read More about Probing the Selectivity of Azomethine Imine Cycloaddition to Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes by Resonance Raman Spectroscopy.