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All Outputs (2)

Photometry and Spectrum measurements of the Laser Guide Star beam emission at Observatorio del Roque de Los Muchachos with the Gran Telescope Canarias (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Lombardi, G., Calia, B., Centrone, M., Talavera, M. R. G., Morris, T., Pfrommer, T., Basden, A., Vidal, F., Gendron, E., Rousset, G., Mayers, R., Osborn, J., Reeves, A., Talbot, R., Townson, M., Lavers, A. C., & Postigoh, A. D. U. (2017, June). Photometry and Spectrum measurements of the Laser Guide Star beam emission at Observatorio del Roque de Los Muchachos with the Gran Telescope Canarias. Presented at Adaptive Optics for Extremely Large Telescopes 5, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain

In the past years ESO has built together with industry a transportable Laser Guide Star Unit (WLGSU) to test the laser technology while supporting some strategic experiments for the LGS-AO technologies. Since July 2016, the WLGSU has been installed a... Read More about Photometry and Spectrum measurements of the Laser Guide Star beam emission at Observatorio del Roque de Los Muchachos with the Gran Telescope Canarias.

Preliminary on-sky results of the CANARY experiment with an ELT-elongated sodium LGS (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Bardou, L., Gendron, E., Rousset, G., Gratadour, D., Basden, A. G., Bonaccini, D., Buey, T., Centrone, M., Chemla, F., Lombardi, G., Marchetti, E., Morris, T. J., Myers, R. M., Osborn, J., Townson, M. J., Vidal, F., & Reyes Garcia-Talavera, M. (2017, June). Preliminary on-sky results of the CANARY experiment with an ELT-elongated sodium LGS. Presented at Adaptive Optics for Extremely Large Telescopes 5, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain

We present on-sky results of wavefront sensing on an elongated LGS. These results are derived from observations made with the multi-object AO demonstrator CANARY on the William Herschel Telescope (WHT) in La Palma. The laser guide star is produced us... Read More about Preliminary on-sky results of the CANARY experiment with an ELT-elongated sodium LGS.