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All Outputs (58)

Solving the earthquake disaster shelter location-allocation problem using optimization heuristics (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Zhao, X., Coates, G., Xu, W., Comes, T., Bénaben, F., Hanachi, C., Lauras, M., & Montarnal, A. (2017, May). Solving the earthquake disaster shelter location-allocation problem using optimization heuristics. Presented at 14th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM 2017), Albi, Occitanie Pyrénées-Méditerranée, France

Earthquakes can cause significant disruption and devastation to populations of communities. Thus, in the event of an earthquake, it is necessary to have the right number of disaster shelters, with the appropriate capacity, in the right location in or... Read More about Solving the earthquake disaster shelter location-allocation problem using optimization heuristics.

Agent-based modelling and simulation for lecture theatre emergency evacuation (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Zhang, X., Coates, G., Ni, X., Comes, T., Bénaben, F., Hanachi, C., Lauras, M., & Montarnal, A. (2017, May). Agent-based modelling and simulation for lecture theatre emergency evacuation. Presented at 14th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM 2017), Albi, Occitanie Pyrénées-Méditerranée, France

This paper presents an overview of ongoing research into the implementation of an agent-based model aimed at providing decision support for the layout design of lecture theatres and human behavioural management in emergency evacuation. The model enab... Read More about Agent-based modelling and simulation for lecture theatre emergency evacuation.

A design analysis of vertical stabilisers for Blended Wing Body aircraft (2017)
Journal Article
Larkin, G., & Coates, G. (2017). A design analysis of vertical stabilisers for Blended Wing Body aircraft. Aerospace Science and Technology, 64, 237-252.

Blended Wing Body (BWB) aircraft are a relatively new concept offering advantages of aerodynamic performance and fuel economy. In BWB aircraft design, directional stability has been identified as one aspect that remains under-researched. This paper p... Read More about A design analysis of vertical stabilisers for Blended Wing Body aircraft.

Investigating the flood responsiveness of Small and Medium Enterprises using agent-based modelling and simulation (2016)
Journal Article
Coates, G., Li, C., Wright, N., & Ahilan, S. (2016). Investigating the flood responsiveness of Small and Medium Enterprises using agent-based modelling and simulation. International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering, 6(3), 627-635.

In recent years, flooding has caused major damage and disruption to businesses in the United Kingdom (UK) resulting in significant losses to the economy. The effect of flooding on Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) is of particular importance given... Read More about Investigating the flood responsiveness of Small and Medium Enterprises using agent-based modelling and simulation.

Design and development of an agent-based model for business operations faced with flood disruption (2016)
Journal Article
Li, C., & Coates, G. (2016). Design and development of an agent-based model for business operations faced with flood disruption. International Journal of Design and Nature and Ecodynamics, 11(2), 97-106.

Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) constitute a major component of the United Kingdom’s economy, accounting for 99.9% of all private sector businesses and approximately 47% of annual turnover in 2014 [1]. However, these companies can suffer signific... Read More about Design and development of an agent-based model for business operations faced with flood disruption.

Optimising the time-based Design Structure Matrix using a Divide and Hybridise Algorithm (2016)
Journal Article
Cook, I., & Coates, G. (2016). Optimising the time-based Design Structure Matrix using a Divide and Hybridise Algorithm. Journal of Engineering Design, 27(4-6), 306-332.

Product design and development processes consist of inter-related activities required to be undertaken in an appropriate sequence to reduce the need for iteration and increase opportunities for concurrency. The design structure matrix (DSM) is one of... Read More about Optimising the time-based Design Structure Matrix using a Divide and Hybridise Algorithm.

Design and development of an agent-based model for business operations faced with flood disruption (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Li, C., Coates, G., Rzevski, G., & Brebbia, C. (2016, January). Design and development of an agent-based model for business operations faced with flood disruption. Presented at International Conference on Complex Systems in Business, Administration, Science and Engineering, New Forest, UK

Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) constitute a major component of the United Kingdom’s economy, accounting for 99.9% of all private sector businesses and approximately 47% of annual turnover in 2014 [1]. However, these companies can suffer signific... Read More about Design and development of an agent-based model for business operations faced with flood disruption.

Online optimization of casualty processing in major incident response: An experimental analysis (2016)
Journal Article
Wilson, D., Hawe, G., Coates, G., & Crouch, R. (2016). Online optimization of casualty processing in major incident response: An experimental analysis. European Journal of Operational Research, 252(1), 334-348.

When designing an optimization model for use in mass casualty incident (MCI) response, the dynamic and uncertain nature of the problem environment poses a significant challenge. Many key problem parameters, such as the number of casualties to be proc... Read More about Online optimization of casualty processing in major incident response: An experimental analysis.

Agent-based simulation of emergency response to plan the allocation of resources for a hypothetical two-site major incident (2015)
Journal Article
Hawe, G., Coates, G., Wilson, D., & Crouch, R. (2015). Agent-based simulation of emergency response to plan the allocation of resources for a hypothetical two-site major incident. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 46(Part B), 336-345.

During a major incident, the emergency services work together to ensure that those casualties who are critically injured are identified and transported to an appropriate hospital as fast as possible. If the incident is multi-site and resources are li... Read More about Agent-based simulation of emergency response to plan the allocation of resources for a hypothetical two-site major incident.

Interactive three-dimensional boundary element stress analysis of components in aircraft structures (2015)
Journal Article
Foster, T., Mohamed, M., Trevelyan, J., Coates, G., Spence, S., & Walker, S. (2015). Interactive three-dimensional boundary element stress analysis of components in aircraft structures. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 56, 190-200.

Computer aided design of mechanical components is an iterative process that often involves multiple stress analysis runs; this can be time consuming and expensive. Significant efficiency improvements can be made by increasing interactivity at the con... Read More about Interactive three-dimensional boundary element stress analysis of components in aircraft structures.

A simulation model to enable the optimization of ambulance fleet allocation and base station location for increased patient survival (2015)
Journal Article
McCormack, R., & Coates, G. (2015). A simulation model to enable the optimization of ambulance fleet allocation and base station location for increased patient survival. European Journal of Operational Research, 247(1), 294-309.

An effective emergency medical service (EMS) is a critical part of any health care system. This paper presents the optimization of EMS vehicle fleet allocation and base station location through the use of a genetic algorithm (GA) with an integrated E... Read More about A simulation model to enable the optimization of ambulance fleet allocation and base station location for increased patient survival.

Improving agent-based simulation of major incident response in the United Kingdom through conceptual and operational validation (2015)
Journal Article
Hawe, G., Coates, G., Wilson, D., & Crouch, R. (2015). Improving agent-based simulation of major incident response in the United Kingdom through conceptual and operational validation. International Journal of Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, 7(4), Article 1.

The aim of this paper is to report on how the credibility of an agent-based model (ABM) of the United Kingdom emergency services' response to major incidents has been improved through a process of conceptual validation, and how the ABM's software imp... Read More about Improving agent-based simulation of major incident response in the United Kingdom through conceptual and operational validation.

Extended isogeometric boundary element method (XIBEM) for three-dimensional medium-wave acoustic scattering problems (2015)
Journal Article
Peake, M., Trevelyan, J., & Coates, G. (2015). Extended isogeometric boundary element method (XIBEM) for three-dimensional medium-wave acoustic scattering problems. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 284, 762-780.

A boundary element method (BEM), based on non-uniform rational B-splines (NURBS), is used to find solutions to three-dimensional wave scattering problems governed by the Helmholtz equation. The method is extended in a partition-of-unity sense, multip... Read More about Extended isogeometric boundary element method (XIBEM) for three-dimensional medium-wave acoustic scattering problems.

Designing an agent-based model of SMEs to assess flood response strategies and resilience (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Li, C., Coates, G., McGuinness, M., & Johnson, N. (2015, January). Designing an agent-based model of SMEs to assess flood response strategies and resilience. Presented at International conference on flood resilience, Zurich, Switzerland

In the UK, flooding is responsible for significant losses to the economy due to the impact on businesses, the vast majority of which are Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). Businesses of this nature tend to lack formal plans to aid their response to... Read More about Designing an agent-based model of SMEs to assess flood response strategies and resilience.

Evaluation of centralised and autonomous routing strategies in major incident response (2014)
Journal Article
Wilson, D., Hawe, G., Coates, G., & Crouch, R. (2014). Evaluation of centralised and autonomous routing strategies in major incident response. Safety Science, 70, 80-88.

Fast and efficient routing of emergency responders during the response to mass casualty incidents is a critical element of success. However, the predictability of the associated travel times can also have a significant effect on performance during th... Read More about Evaluation of centralised and autonomous routing strategies in major incident response.

Dynamically-controlled variable-fidelity modelling for aircraft structural design optimisation (2014)
Journal Article
Allen, J., Coates, G., & Trevelyan, J. (2014). Dynamically-controlled variable-fidelity modelling for aircraft structural design optimisation. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 228(8), 1434-1449.

Structural mass optimisation of an aircraft design is important in increasing the likelihood that a high quality airframe is designed of minimal weight whilst providing necessary resistance to load. Analysis of such structures is often performed at a... Read More about Dynamically-controlled variable-fidelity modelling for aircraft structural design optimisation.

3D Extended Isogeometric Boundary Element Method (XIBEM) for Acoustic Wave Scattering (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Peake, M., Trevelyan, J., Coates, G., Javadi, A., & Hussain, M. S. (2014, April). 3D Extended Isogeometric Boundary Element Method (XIBEM) for Acoustic Wave Scattering. Presented at 22nd Conference of the UK Association for Computational Mechanics in Engineering, Exeter, UK

An isogeometric boundary element method based on NURBS is used to find solutions to the Helmholtz equation. The method is extended in a partition-of-unity sense, multiplying the NURBS functions with families of plane waves; this new method is called... Read More about 3D Extended Isogeometric Boundary Element Method (XIBEM) for Acoustic Wave Scattering.

The equal spacing of N points on a sphere with application to partition-of-unity wave diffraction problems (2014)
Journal Article
Peake, M., Trevelyan, J., & Coates, G. (2014). The equal spacing of N points on a sphere with application to partition-of-unity wave diffraction problems. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 40, 114-122.

This paper addresses applications involving the selection of a set of points on a sphere, in which the uniformity of spacing can be of importance in enhancing the computational performance and/or the accuracy of some simulation. For the authors, the... Read More about The equal spacing of N points on a sphere with application to partition-of-unity wave diffraction problems.

Agent-based modelling and inundation prediction to enable the identification of businesses affected by flooding (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Coates, G., Hawe, G., Wright, N., Ahilan, S., Proverbs, D., & Brebbia, C. (2014, December). Agent-based modelling and inundation prediction to enable the identification of businesses affected by flooding. Presented at 4th International Conference on Flood Recovery, Innovation and Response, Poznan, Poland

Flooding continues to cause significant disruption to individuals, organisations and communities in many parts of the world. In terms of the impact on businesses in the United Kingdom (UK), flooding is responsible for the loss of millions of pounds t... Read More about Agent-based modelling and inundation prediction to enable the identification of businesses affected by flooding.

The Extended Isogeometric Boundary Element Method (XIBEM): An Enriched Collocation BEM for Wave Scattering Analysis (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Peake, M., Trevelyan, J., & Coates, G. (2023, July). The Extended Isogeometric Boundary Element Method (XIBEM): An Enriched Collocation BEM for Wave Scattering Analysis. Presented at 10th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Barcelona, Spain

Isogeometric analysis [1] is an increasingly popular research topic. By using the functions that describe geometries in computer-aided design (CAD) directly in numerical analysis, it oers the possibility of running engineering simulations without the... Read More about The Extended Isogeometric Boundary Element Method (XIBEM): An Enriched Collocation BEM for Wave Scattering Analysis.