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All Outputs (9)

Estetska autonomija i društvena modernizacija u Rusiji u prvoj trećini dvadesetog veka: četiri refleksije o nasleđu ruskog formalizma [Aesthetic Autonomy and Social Modernization in Russia in the First Third of the Twentieth Century: Four Reflections on the Legacy of Russian Formalism] (2014)
Book Chapter
Radunović, D. (2014). Estetska autonomija i društvena modernizacija u Rusiji u prvoj trećini dvadesetog veka: četiri refleksije o nasleđu ruskog formalizma [Aesthetic Autonomy and Social Modernization in Russia in the First Third of the Twentieth Century: Four Reflections on the Legacy of Russian Formalism]. In D. Bošković (Ed.), Uskrsnuće književnosti: 100 godina ruskog formalizma [The Resurrection of Literature: 100 Years of Russian Formalism] (21-26). Filološko-umetnički fakultet Kragujevac [Faculty of Philology, Kragujevac, Serbia]

Incommensurable distance : Georgian cinema as a (trans)national cinema (2014)
Book Chapter
Radunović, D. (2014). Incommensurable distance : Georgian cinema as a (trans)national cinema. In S. Bahun, & J. Haynes (Eds.), Cinema, state socialism and society in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, 1917-1989 : re-visions (49-73). Routledge

The aim of this chapter is to trace the variegating strategies of identity formation in Georgian cinema, and to interrogate the manifestations of minority identity in the markedly transnational context of Soviet cinema. The particularities of nationa... Read More about Incommensurable distance : Georgian cinema as a (trans)national cinema.

Dušan Makavejev (2011)
Book Chapter
Radunović, D. (2011). Dušan Makavejev. In A. Bingham (Ed.), Directory of world cinema : East Europe (186-191). Intellect

Aleksandar Petrović (2011)
Book Chapter
Radunović, D. (2011). Aleksandar Petrović. In A. Bingham (Ed.), Directory of world cinema : East Europe (182-186). Intellect

Semiotics in Voloshinov and Shpet. (2009)
Book Chapter
Radunović, D. (2009). Semiotics in Voloshinov and Shpet. In G. Tihanov (Ed.), Gustav Shpet’s Contribution to Philosophy and Cultural Theory (207-218). Purdue University Press