‘Male Bedpartners and the “Intimacies of a Wife”: rekkjufélagar and vífs rúnar’
Book Chapter
Ashurst, D. (2020). ‘Male Bedpartners and the “Intimacies of a Wife”: rekkjufélagar and vífs rúnar’. In G. L. Evans, & J. Hancock (Eds.), Masculinities in Old Norse Literature (183-202). D.S. Brewer
All Outputs (14)
Elements of Satire and Social Commentary in Heathen Praise Poems and Commemorative Odes (2019)
Book Chapter
Ashurst, D. (2019). Elements of Satire and Social Commentary in Heathen Praise Poems and Commemorative Odes. In J. Morawiec (Ed.), Social Norms in Medieval Scandinavia. ARC Humanities Press
Wagner, Morris, and the Sigurd Figure: Confronting Freedom and Uncertainty (2013)
Book Chapter
Ashurst, D. (2013). Wagner, Morris, and the Sigurd Figure: Confronting Freedom and Uncertainty. In P. Acker, & C. Larrington (Eds.), Revisiting the Poetic Edda: Essays on Old Norse Heroic Legend (219-237). Routledge
‘Kings, Bishops, and Laws: The Old Norse-Icelandic Version of 1 Maccabees.’ (2011)
Book Chapter
Ashurst, D. (2011). ‘Kings, Bishops, and Laws: The Old Norse-Icelandic Version of 1 Maccabees.’. In D. Anlezark (Ed.), Myths, Legends and Heroes: Essays on Old Norse and Old English Literature in Honour of John McKinnell (133-147). Toronto University Press
Old English Wisdom Poetry (2010)
Book Chapter
Ashurst, D. (2010). Old English Wisdom Poetry. In C. Saunders (Ed.), A companion to medieval poetry (125-140). BlackwellThe chapter examines the kinds of wisdom and knowledge to be found in Old English wisdom poetry, and the kinds of aesthetic pleasure offered by works in this genre. Using the 'Old English Rune Poem' and 'Maxims II' as the main focal points but rangin... Read More about Old English Wisdom Poetry.
The Ethics of Empire in the Saga of Alexander the Great: a study based on MS AM 519a 4to. (2009)
Ashurst, D. (2009). The Ethics of Empire in the Saga of Alexander the Great: a study based on MS AM 519a 4to. Bókmenntafræðistofnun Háskóla ÍslandsThe book argues that the ethical judgements of Alexanders saga on Alexander the Great’s imperial venture are much more positive than has sometimes been suggested, but at the same time are radically ambiguous in ways that have not previously been ackn... Read More about The Ethics of Empire in the Saga of Alexander the Great: a study based on MS AM 519a 4to..
Eddic Myth, Victorian Values: The Popularisation of Old Norse Mythology in Britain, 1837 to 1876. (2009)
Book Chapter
Ashurst, D. (2009). Eddic Myth, Victorian Values: The Popularisation of Old Norse Mythology in Britain, 1837 to 1876. In K. Schultz, & F. Heesch (Eds.), Sang an Ægir: Nordische Mythen um 1900 (45-71). WinterThe essay examines the key works that helped to popularise eddic myths in Britain during the period from Queen Victoria’s accession in 1837 to her adoption of the title Empress of India in 1876, and it relates them to the main strands of Victorian th... Read More about Eddic Myth, Victorian Values: The Popularisation of Old Norse Mythology in Britain, 1837 to 1876..
'The Ironies in Cardinal William of Sabina's Supposed Pronouncement on Icelandic Independence' (2007)
Journal Article
Ashurst, D. (2007). 'The Ironies in Cardinal William of Sabina's Supposed Pronouncement on Icelandic Independence'. Saga-book, 31, 39-45
William Morris and the Volsungs (2007)
Book Chapter
Ashurst, D. (2007). William Morris and the Volsungs. In D. Clark, & C. Phelpstead (Eds.), Old Norse made new (43-61). Viking Society for Northern Research
Encyclopedic Literature: Physiognomy (2007)
Book Chapter
Ashurst, D. (2007). Encyclopedic Literature: Physiognomy. In A. Faulkes (Ed.), A new introduction to Old Norse (323-332). (4 rev. ed.). Viking Society for Northern ResearchAnnotated edition of a passage of physiognomic lore in Old Norse found in MS AM 435 12mo, folios 8r-13r. The notes identify corresponding passages in the Latin sources and indicate parallel or contrasting physiognomic ideas in other Old Norse texts.
Imagining Paradise (2006)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Ashurst, D., McKinnell, J., Ashurst, D., & Kick, D. (2006, June). Imagining Paradise. Presented at Thirteenth International Saga ConferenceThe focus of this paper will be on the lore concerning the nature and location of Paradise as represented in Old Norse texts, primarily those whose chief purpose is to inform or edify rather than to entertain. It will consider whether these texts sug... Read More about Imagining Paradise.
'Saga af Tristram ok Ísönd.’ (2005)
Book Chapter
Ashurst, D. (2005). 'Saga af Tristram ok Ísönd.’. In A. Faulkes (Ed.), A new introduction to Old Norse : reader (163-172). (3rd ed.). Viking Society for Northern Research
‘Sturla Þórðarsons Hákonar saga Hákonarsonar. By Ulrike Sprenger. Texte und Untersuchungen zur Germanistik und Skandinavistik, 46. Peter Lang. Frankfurt am Main 2000’ (2005)
Journal Article
Ashurst, D. (2005). ‘Sturla Þórðarsons Hákonar saga Hákonarsonar. By Ulrike Sprenger. Texte und Untersuchungen zur Germanistik und Skandinavistik, 46. Peter Lang. Frankfurt am Main 2000’. Saga-book, 28, 139-141
‘The Transformation of Homosexual Liebestod in Sagas Translated from Latin’ (2002)
Journal Article
Ashurst, D. (2002). ‘The Transformation of Homosexual Liebestod in Sagas Translated from Latin’. Saga-book, 26, 67-96