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All Outputs (3)

The Behavioural Inhibition System, anxiety and hippocampal volume in a non-clinical population (2014)
Journal Article
Levita, L., Bois, C., Healey, A., Smyllie, E., Papakonstantinou, E., Hartley, T., & Lever, C. (2014). The Behavioural Inhibition System, anxiety and hippocampal volume in a non-clinical population. Biology of mood & anxiety disorders, 4, Article 4.

Background: Animal studies have suggested that the hippocampus may play an important role in anxiety as part of the Behavioural Inhibition System (BIS), which mediates reactivity to threat and punishment and can predict an individual’s response to an... Read More about The Behavioural Inhibition System, anxiety and hippocampal volume in a non-clinical population.

Boundary coding in the rat subiculum (2014)
Journal Article
Stewart, S., Jeewajee, A., Wills, T., Burgess, N., & Lever, C. (2014). Boundary coding in the rat subiculum. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 369(1635), Article 20120514.

The spatial mapping function of the hippocampal formation is likely derived from two sets of information: one based on the external environment and the other based on self-motion. Here, we further characterize ‘boundary vector cells’ (BVCs) in the ra... Read More about Boundary coding in the rat subiculum.

Theta phase precession of grid and place cell firing in open environments (2014)
Journal Article
Jeewajee, A., Barry, C., Douchamps, V., Manson, D., Lever, C., & Burgess, N. (2014). Theta phase precession of grid and place cell firing in open environments. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 369(1635), Article 20120532.

Place and grid cells in the rodent hippocampal formation tend to fire spikes at successively earlier phases relative to the local field potential theta rhythm as the animal runs through the cell's firing field on a linear track. However, this ‘phase... Read More about Theta phase precession of grid and place cell firing in open environments.