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The Riddle of the Ruthwell Cross: Audience, Intention and Originator Reconsidered (2017)
Book Chapter
Stancliffe, C. (2017). The Riddle of the Ruthwell Cross: Audience, Intention and Originator Reconsidered. In E. Cambridge, & J. Hawkes (Eds.), Crossing Boundaries: Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Art, Material Culture, Language and LIterauture of the Early Medieval World. Essays presented to Professor Emeritus Richard N. Bailey, OBE, in honour of his eightieth birthday (3-14). Oxbow Books

The Ruthwell Cross is a riddle in more than one respect: in its sophisticated selection of images and texts which link together to suggest overarching theological themes, but with puzzling twists or incongruities;² and equally because this cross, ‘th... Read More about The Riddle of the Ruthwell Cross: Audience, Intention and Originator Reconsidered.