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Social work in the laboratory: using microworlds for practice research (2011)
Journal Article
Wastell, D., Peckover, S., White, S., Broadhurst, K., Hall, C., & Pithouse, A. (2011). Social work in the laboratory: using microworlds for practice research. The British Journal of Social Work, 41(4), 744-760.

In cognitive ergonomics, laboratory experimentation using computer-based simulations (microworlds) has played a significant role in understanding human decision making and reasoning. In this paper, we describe the design and deployment of a social wo... Read More about Social work in the laboratory: using microworlds for practice research.

Interviewing parents of children in care: perspectives, discourse and accountability (2011)
Journal Article
Hall, C., & Slembrouck, S. (2011). Interviewing parents of children in care: perspectives, discourse and accountability. Children and Youth Services Review, 33(3), 457-465.

The ‘parental perspective’ in child care work is a matter of concern and is actively solicited by practitioners, managers, policymakers and researchers for differing reasons. This paper argues that the search for such a stable “parental perspective”... Read More about Interviewing parents of children in care: perspectives, discourse and accountability.