Review of Ş. Karagöz, Kleinasiatisch-gräko-perische Kunstwerke im archäologischen Museum von Istanbul. Istanbuler Forschungen 54. Ernst Wasmuth, Tübingen 2013
Journal Article
Draycott, C. M. (2015). Review of Ş. Karagöz, Kleinasiatisch-gräko-perische Kunstwerke im archäologischen Museum von Istanbul. Istanbuler Forschungen 54. Ernst Wasmuth, Tübingen 2013. American Journal of Archaeology, 119(2),
All Outputs (2)
‘Heroa’ and the City. Kuprlli’s New Architecture and the Making of the ‘Lycian Acropolis’ of Xanthus in the Early Classical period (2015)
Journal Article
Draycott, C. M. (2015). ‘Heroa’ and the City. Kuprlli’s New Architecture and the Making of the ‘Lycian Acropolis’ of Xanthus in the Early Classical period. Anatolian Studies, 65, 97-142. paper considers the architectural design of a group of three buildings erected on what is commonly called the ‘acropolis’ of Xanthus in Lycia in the second quarter of the fifth century BC – a time of increasing social, political and economic com... Read More about ‘Heroa’ and the City. Kuprlli’s New Architecture and the Making of the ‘Lycian Acropolis’ of Xanthus in the Early Classical period.