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All Outputs (9)

How does interpreting performance correlate with note-taking process, note-taking product and note-reading process? An eye-tracking and pen-recording study (2022)
Journal Article
Kuang, H., & Zheng, B. (2022). How does interpreting performance correlate with note-taking process, note-taking product and note-reading process? An eye-tracking and pen-recording study. Across Languages and Cultures, 23(2), 167-186.

This paper explores relationships between consecutive interpreting (CI) performance on the one hand, and interpreters' note-taking effort, note-taking product and note-reading effort, on the other hand. 20 professionals and 29 students consecutively... Read More about How does interpreting performance correlate with note-taking process, note-taking product and note-reading process? An eye-tracking and pen-recording study.

Working memory and interpreting studies (2022)
Book Chapter
Zheng, B., & Kuang, H. (2022). Working memory and interpreting studies. In J. W. Schwieter, & Z. (. Wen (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Working Memory and Language (698-721). Cambridge University Press.

This chapter provides a review of studies on working memory (WM) and interpreting between the 1970s and 2010s, with special attention paid to simultaneous interpreting (SI) and consecutive interpreting (CI). Previous research has investigated three m... Read More about Working memory and interpreting studies.

Extralinguistic Consultation in English–Chinese Translation: A Study Drawing on Eye-Tracking and Screen-Recording Data (2022)
Journal Article
Cui, Y., & Zheng, B. (2022). Extralinguistic Consultation in English–Chinese Translation: A Study Drawing on Eye-Tracking and Screen-Recording Data. Frontiers in Psychology, 13,

Both linguistic and extralinguistic consultations are essential in translation practice and have been commonly investigated as an integral topic in previous studies. However, since extralinguistic information is usually longer in extent and not speci... Read More about Extralinguistic Consultation in English–Chinese Translation: A Study Drawing on Eye-Tracking and Screen-Recording Data.

The interaction effect between source text complexity and machine translation quality on the task difficulty of NMT post-editing from English to Chinese: A multi-method study (2022)
Journal Article
Jia, Y., & Zheng, B. (2022). The interaction effect between source text complexity and machine translation quality on the task difficulty of NMT post-editing from English to Chinese: A multi-method study. Across Languages and Cultures, 23(1), 36-55.

This study explores the interaction effect between source text (ST) complexity and machine translation (MT) quality on the task difficulty of neural machine translation (NMT) post-editing from English to Chinese. When investigating human effort exert... Read More about The interaction effect between source text complexity and machine translation quality on the task difficulty of NMT post-editing from English to Chinese: A multi-method study.

Monkey’s journey to the West: How manifold versions of one translation help to disseminate a classic Chinese original (2022)
Book Chapter
Luo, W., & Zheng, B. (2022). Monkey’s journey to the West: How manifold versions of one translation help to disseminate a classic Chinese original. In L. Qi, & S. Tobias (Eds.), Encountering China’s Past: Translation and Dissemination of Classical Chinese Literature (79-99). Springer Verlag.

Many efforts have been paid to facilitate the world-wide circulation of Journey to the West, a classical Chinese literary canon. This article studies the dissemination of Journey by focusing on one of its many English translations, namely, Monkey: A... Read More about Monkey’s journey to the West: How manifold versions of one translation help to disseminate a classic Chinese original.

Note-taking effort in video remote interpreting: effects of source speech difficulty and interpreter work experience (2022)
Journal Article
Kuang, H., & Zheng, B. (2023). Note-taking effort in video remote interpreting: effects of source speech difficulty and interpreter work experience. Perspectives, 31(4), 724-744.

This paper reports on an investigation of the interactions between source speech difficulty, interpreters’ work experience and their note-taking behaviour in video remote interpreting. 20 professional interpreters and 29 student interpreters consecut... Read More about Note-taking effort in video remote interpreting: effects of source speech difficulty and interpreter work experience.

Comparability of difficulty levels of translation tasks in CET-6 parallel test forms: evidence from product and process-based data (2022)
Journal Article
Liu, Y., & Zheng, B. (2022). Comparability of difficulty levels of translation tasks in CET-6 parallel test forms: evidence from product and process-based data. The Interpreter and Translator Trainer, 16(4), 428-447.

This study investigates the comparability of three parallel translation tasks selected from a College English Test Band-6 (CET-6) and explores the major linguistic features contributing to translation difficulty. Data obtained from the participants’... Read More about Comparability of difficulty levels of translation tasks in CET-6 parallel test forms: evidence from product and process-based data.

Time pressure in translation: Psychological and physiological measures (2022)
Journal Article
Weng, Y., Zheng, B., & Dong, Y. (2022). Time pressure in translation: Psychological and physiological measures. Target: International Journal of Translation Studies, 34(4), 601-626.

Translators may experience significant psychological and physiological responses to time pressure. This study examines such responses with the aim of identifying valid indicators of time pressure in written translation. Forty-five postgraduates parti... Read More about Time pressure in translation: Psychological and physiological measures.

Impact of translation directions on information processing and translation quality: A triangulated study using eye-tracking and screen-recording(翻译方向对信息加工过程及质量的影响——基于眼动和屏幕记录等数据的多元互证) (2022)
Journal Article
Wang, X., Wang, L., & Zheng, B. (2022). Impact of translation directions on information processing and translation quality: A triangulated study using eye-tracking and screen-recording(翻译方向对信息加工过程及质量的影响——基于眼动和屏幕记录等数据的多元互证)