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All Outputs (42)

Genomic changes and stabilization following homoploid hybrid speciation of the Oxford ragwort Senecio squalidus. (2024)
Journal Article
Nevado, B., Chapman, M. A., Brennan, A. C., Clark, J. W., Wong, E. L. Y., Batstone, T., McCarthy, S. A., Tracey, A., Torrance, J., Sims, Y., Abbott, R. J., Filatov, D., & Hiscock, S. J. (2024). Genomic changes and stabilization following homoploid hybrid speciation of the Oxford ragwort Senecio squalidus. Current Biology, 34(19), 4412-4423.e5.

Oxford ragwort (Senecio squalidus) is one of only two homoploid hybrid species known to have originated very recently, so it is a unique model for determining genomic changes and stabilization following homoploid hybrid speciation. Here, we provide a... Read More about Genomic changes and stabilization following homoploid hybrid speciation of the Oxford ragwort Senecio squalidus..

Optimising Gamma Irradiation Seed Treatment of Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) Varieties for Potential Future Application in Mutation Breeding (2024)
Journal Article
Jhar, A., Sabbagh, S., Elkhattab, E., Abrak, S., Hatipoğlu, H., & Brennan, A. (2024). Optimising Gamma Irradiation Seed Treatment of Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) Varieties for Potential Future Application in Mutation Breeding. Crop Breeding, Genetics and Genomics, 6(3), Article e240004.

Background: Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) is a nutritious and healthy seed oil crop with perspective for further improvement through plant breeding. Mutagenesis breeding generates new genetic variation with potentially favorable genetic changes for sel... Read More about Optimising Gamma Irradiation Seed Treatment of Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) Varieties for Potential Future Application in Mutation Breeding.

Inheritance of Resistance to Chickpea Fusarium Wilt Disease ( Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. ciceris Race 2) in a Wide-Cross Cicer arietinum × Cicer reticulatum Mapping Family (2024)
Journal Article
Lakmes, A., Jhar, A., Sadanandom, A., Brennan, A. C., & Kahriman, A. (2024). Inheritance of Resistance to Chickpea Fusarium Wilt Disease ( Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. ciceris Race 2) in a Wide-Cross Cicer arietinum × Cicer reticulatum Mapping Family. Genes, 15(6), Article 819.

Chickpea (Cicer arietinum) is a major food legume providing high quality nutrition, especially in developing regions. Chickpea wilt (Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. ciceris) causes significant annual losses. Integrated disease management of Fusarium wilt i... Read More about Inheritance of Resistance to Chickpea Fusarium Wilt Disease ( Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. ciceris Race 2) in a Wide-Cross Cicer arietinum × Cicer reticulatum Mapping Family.

Local climate and vernalization sensitivity predict the latitudinal patterns of flowering onset in the crop wild relative Linum bienne Mill. (2024)
Journal Article
Landoni, B., Suárez-Montes, P., Habeahan, R. H. F., Brennan, A. C., & Pérez-Barrales, R. (2024). Local climate and vernalization sensitivity predict the latitudinal patterns of flowering onset in the crop wild relative Linum bienne Mill. Annals of Botany, 134(1), 117–130.

Background and aims: The timing of flowering onset often correlates with latitude, indicative of climatic gradients. Flowering onset in temperate species commonly requires exposure to cold temperatures, known as vernalization. Hence, population diffe... Read More about Local climate and vernalization sensitivity predict the latitudinal patterns of flowering onset in the crop wild relative Linum bienne Mill..

A chromosome-level genome assembly for the smoky rubyspot damselfly (Hetaerina titia) (2023)
Journal Article
Patterson, C. W., Bonillas-Monge, E., Brennan, A., Grether, G. F., Mendoza-Cuenca, L., Tucker, R., …Drury, J. (2024). A chromosome-level genome assembly for the smoky rubyspot damselfly (Hetaerina titia). Journal of Heredity, 115(1),

Smoky rubyspot damselflies (Hetaerina titia Drury, 1773) are one of the most commonly encountered odonates along streams and rivers on both slopes of Central America and the Atlantic drainages in the US and southern Canada. Owing to their highly vari... Read More about A chromosome-level genome assembly for the smoky rubyspot damselfly (Hetaerina titia).

Trait evolution during a rapid global weed invasion despite little genetic differentiation (2023)
Journal Article
Irimia, R. E., Montesinos, D., Chaturvedi, A., Sanders, I., Hierro, J. L., Sotes, G., Cavieres, L. A., Eren, Ö., Lortie, C. J., French, K., & Brennan, A. C. (2023). Trait evolution during a rapid global weed invasion despite little genetic differentiation. Evolutionary Applications, 16(5), 997-1011.

Invasive species often possess a great capacity to adapt to novel environments in the form of spatial trait variation, as a result of varying selection regimes, genetic drift, or plasticity. We explored the geographic differentiation in several pheno... Read More about Trait evolution during a rapid global weed invasion despite little genetic differentiation.

Inheritance of early and late Ascochyta blight resistance in wide crosses of chickpea (2023)
Journal Article
Lakmes, A., Jhar, A., Brennan, A. C., & Kahriman, A. (2023). Inheritance of early and late Ascochyta blight resistance in wide crosses of chickpea. Genes, 14(2), Article 316.

Chickpea (Cicer arietinum) is a globally important food legume but its yield is negatively impacted by the fungal pathogen Ascochyta blight (Ascochyta rabiei) causing necrotic lesions leading to plant death. Past studies have found that Ascochyta res... Read More about Inheritance of early and late Ascochyta blight resistance in wide crosses of chickpea.

Sources of variation in reciprocal herkogamy in the distyly floral syndrome of Linum tenue (Linaceae) (2023)
Journal Article
Foroozani, A., Desmond, E. L., Gough, C. A., Pérez-Barrales, R., & Brennan, A. C. (2023). Sources of variation in reciprocal herkogamy in the distyly floral syndrome of Linum tenue (Linaceae). International Journal of Plant Sciences, 184(2), 142-155.

Premise of research. Distyly is a floral polymorphism involving reciprocal herkogamy shaped by selection for pollen transfer efficiency. The variation of the floral organs involved in pollen transfer can be individually affected by environmental and... Read More about Sources of variation in reciprocal herkogamy in the distyly floral syndrome of Linum tenue (Linaceae).

Inheritance of seed weight and growth habit in 10 intercross chickpea (Cicer arietinum) nested association mapping populations (2022)
Journal Article
Lakmes, A., Jhar, A., Penmetsa, R. V., Wei, W., Brennan, A. C., & Kahriman, A. (2023). Inheritance of seed weight and growth habit in 10 intercross chickpea (Cicer arietinum) nested association mapping populations. Plant Breeding, 142(1), 86-96.

Objective of investigation Chickpea is a major global food legume for which seed weight and plant growth habit are important yield and harvestability components for plant breeding. This study tested seed weight and plant growth habit inheritance and... Read More about Inheritance of seed weight and growth habit in 10 intercross chickpea (Cicer arietinum) nested association mapping populations.

Genomic analyses of the Linum distyly supergene reveal convergent evolution at the molecular level (2022)
Journal Article
Gutiérrez-Valencia, J., Fracassetti, M., Berdan, E. L., Bunikis, I., Soler, L., Dainat, J., Kutschera, V. E., Losvik, A., Désamoré, A., Hughes, P. W., Foroozani, A., Laenen, B., Pesquet, E., Abdelaziz, M., Pettersson, O. V., Nystedt, B., Brennan, A. C., Arroyo, J., & Slotte, T. (2022). Genomic analyses of the Linum distyly supergene reveal convergent evolution at the molecular level. Current Biology, 32(20), 4360-4371.

Supergenes govern multi-trait-balanced polymorphisms in a wide range of systems; however, our understanding of their origins and evolution remains incomplete. The reciprocal placement of stigmas and anthers in pin and thrum floral morphs of distylous... Read More about Genomic analyses of the Linum distyly supergene reveal convergent evolution at the molecular level.

The Quantitative Genetics of Flowering Traits in Wide Crosses of Chickpea (2022)
Journal Article
Lakmes, A., Jhar, A., Penmetsa, R., Wei, W., Brennan, A., & Kahriman, A. (2022). The Quantitative Genetics of Flowering Traits in Wide Crosses of Chickpea. Agriculture, 12(4), Article 486.

Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) is one of the most ımportant food legume crops in the world. Chickpea is valued for its nutritive seed composition, which is high in protein content and used increasingly as a substitute for animal protein. Days to fırst... Read More about The Quantitative Genetics of Flowering Traits in Wide Crosses of Chickpea.

Microsatellite marker development in the crop wild relative Linum bienne using genome skimming (2020)
Journal Article
Landoni, B., Viruel, J., Gomez, R., Allaby, R. G., Brennan, A. C., Pico, F. X., & Perez-Barrales, R. (2020). Microsatellite marker development in the crop wild relative Linum bienne using genome skimming. Applications in Plant Sciences, 8(5), Article e11349.

Premise: Nuclear microsatellite markers were developed for Linum bienne , the sister species of the crop L. usitatissimum , to provide molecular genetic tools for the investigation of L. bienne genetic diversity and structure. Methods and Results: Fi... Read More about Microsatellite marker development in the crop wild relative Linum bienne using genome skimming.

Senecio as a model system for integrating studies of genotype, phenotype and fitness (2020)
Journal Article
Walter, G. M., Abbott, R. J., Brennan, A. C., Bridle, J. R., Chapman, M., Clark, J., Filatov, D., Nevado, B., Ortiz Barrientos, D., & Hiscock, S. J. (2020). Senecio as a model system for integrating studies of genotype, phenotype and fitness. New Phytologist, 226(2), 326-344.

Two major developments have made it possible to use examples of ecological radiations as model systems to understand evolution and ecology. First, the integration of quantitative genetics with ecological experiments allows detailed connections to be... Read More about Senecio as a model system for integrating studies of genotype, phenotype and fitness.

Vesicle transport in plants: A revised phylogeny of SNARE proteins (2020)
Journal Article
Gu, X., Brennan, A., Wei, W., Guo, G., & Lindsey, K. (2020). Vesicle transport in plants: A revised phylogeny of SNARE proteins. Evolutionary Bioinformatics, 16, 1-11.

Communication systems within and between plant cells involve the transfer of ions and molecules between compartments, and are essential for development and responses to biotic and abiotic stresses. This in turn requires the regulated movement and fus... Read More about Vesicle transport in plants: A revised phylogeny of SNARE proteins.

Completing the hybridization triangle: the inheritance of genetic incompatibilities during homoploid hybrid speciation in ragworts (Senecio) (2019)
Journal Article
Brennan, A. C., Hiscock, S. J., & Abbott, R. J. (2019). Completing the hybridization triangle: the inheritance of genetic incompatibilities during homoploid hybrid speciation in ragworts (Senecio). AoB PLANTS, 11(1), Article ply078.

A new homoploid hybrid lineage needs to establish a degree of reproductive isolation from its parent species if it is to persist as an independent entity, but the role hybridization plays in this process is known in only a handful of cases. The homop... Read More about Completing the hybridization triangle: the inheritance of genetic incompatibilities during homoploid hybrid speciation in ragworts (Senecio).

Hybridisation and detection of a hybrid zone between mesic and desert ragworts (Senecio) across an aridity gradient in the eastern Mediterranean (2018)
Journal Article
Abbott, R. J., Comes, H. P., Goodwin, Z. A., & Brennan, A. C. (2018). Hybridisation and detection of a hybrid zone between mesic and desert ragworts (Senecio) across an aridity gradient in the eastern Mediterranean. Plant Ecology and Diversity, 11(3), 267-281.

Background: Hybrid zones provide excellent opportunities for studying plant adaptation and speciation. Aims: We tested whether two herbaceous species of Senecio, S. vernalis and S. glaucus, hybridise in the eastern Mediterranean region and form a hyb... Read More about Hybridisation and detection of a hybrid zone between mesic and desert ragworts (Senecio) across an aridity gradient in the eastern Mediterranean.

Spatio-temporal variation in fitness responses to contrasting environments in Arabidopsis thaliana (2018)
Journal Article
Exposito-Alonso, M., Brennan, A. C., Alonso-Blanco, C., & Pico, F. X. (2018). Spatio-temporal variation in fitness responses to contrasting environments in Arabidopsis thaliana. Evolution: International Journal of Organic Evolution, 72(8), 1570-1586.

The evolutionary response of organisms to global climate change is expected to be strongly conditioned by preexisting standing genetic variation. In addition, natural selection imposed by global climate change on fitness‐related traits can be heterog... Read More about Spatio-temporal variation in fitness responses to contrasting environments in Arabidopsis thaliana.

Population genetics of self-incompatibility in a clade of relict cliff-dwelling plant species (2016)
Journal Article
Silva, J., Brennan, A., & Mejías, J. (2016). Population genetics of self-incompatibility in a clade of relict cliff-dwelling plant species. AoB PLANTS, 8, Article plw029.

The mating systems of species in small or fragmented populations impact upon their persistence. Small self-incompatible (SI) populations risk losing S allele diversity, responsible for the SI response, by drift thereby limiting mate availability and... Read More about Population genetics of self-incompatibility in a clade of relict cliff-dwelling plant species.