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Progress on Altair: the Gemini North adaptive optics system

Herriot, Glen; Morris, Simon; Anthony, Andre; Derdall, D.; Duncan, Dave; Dunn, J.; Ebbers, Angelic W.; Fletcher, J. Murray; Hardy, Tim; Leckie, Brian; Mirza, A.; Morbey, Christopher L.; Pfleger, M.; Roberts, Scott; Shott, Philip; Smith, M.; Saddlemyer, Leslie K.; Sebesta, Jerry; Szeto, Kei; Wooff, R.; Windels, W.; Véran, Jean-Pierre


Glen Herriot

Andre Anthony

D. Derdall

Dave Duncan

J. Dunn

Angelic W. Ebbers

J. Murray Fletcher

Tim Hardy

Brian Leckie

A. Mirza

Christopher L. Morbey

M. Pfleger

Scott Roberts

Philip Shott

M. Smith

Leslie K. Saddlemyer

Jerry Sebesta

Kei Szeto

R. Wooff

W. Windels

Jean-Pierre Véran


Herriot, G., Morris, S., Anthony, A., Derdall, D., Duncan, D., Dunn, J., …Véran, J. (2000). Progress on Altair: the Gemini North adaptive optics system. In Proc. SPIE Vol. 4007 (115-125)

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (Published)
Publication Date 2000-07
Deposit Date Feb 16, 2012
Volume 4007
Pages 115-125
Book Title Proc. SPIE Vol. 4007
Public URL
Publisher URL