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Substance Misuse

Cook, C.C.H.

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A. Powell

A. Sims


Substance misuse psychiatry is concerned with what happens when people use psychoactive substances in such a way that they cause harm to themselves and others. It is, therefore, a field of clinical practice and scientific enquiry that is concerned with people’s relationships with themselves and others and the wider order of things, but especially with the object of their ‘addiction’. Necessarily, this engages it with spiritual concerns and in fact the field has a history of engaging with spiritual as well as medical ways of thinking. The definition of spirituality offered in Chapter 1 is one which emerged from a study of the addictions literature.


Cook, C. (2009). Substance Misuse. In C. Cook, A. Powell, & A. Sims (Eds.), Spirituality and psychiatry (139-168). Royal College of Psychiatrists

Publication Date Jun 1, 2009
Deposit Date May 16, 2011
Publicly Available Date Mar 21, 2013
Publisher Royal College of Psychiatrists
Pages 139-168
Book Title Spirituality and psychiatry.
Chapter Number 8
Public URL
Publisher URL


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