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Techno-Economic Analysis of a Cogeneration System for Post-Harvest Loss Reduction: A Case Study in Sub-Saharan Rural Community

Lamidi, Rasaq; Jiang, Long; Wang, Yaodong; Pathare, Pankaj; Aguilar, Marcelo; Wang, Ruiqi; Eshoul, Nuri; Roskilly, Anthony

Techno-Economic Analysis of a Cogeneration System for Post-Harvest Loss Reduction: A Case Study in Sub-Saharan Rural Community Thumbnail


Rasaq Lamidi

Long Jiang

Pankaj Pathare

Marcelo Aguilar

Nuri Eshoul

Anthony Roskilly


Over 90% of global yam production is from West Africa where it provides food and income for above 300 million smallholders’ farmers. However, the major challenge of yam is 10–40% post-harvest losses due to the lack of appropriate storage facilities. This paper assesses a biogas-driven cogeneration system, which could supply electricity and cold storage for ‘yam bank’ within a rural community. Considering 200 households’ Nigerian village as a case study, crop residues are used as anaerobic digestion feedstock to produce biogas, which is subsequently used to power an internal combustion engine. Result shows that the system could store 3.6 tonnes of yam tubers each year and provide enough electricity for domestic and commercial activities. At the current electricity tariff of USD0.013·kWh−1 for rural areas, the system is unable to payback during its life span. The proposed USD0.42·kWh−1 by Nigerian Rural Electrification Agency seems good with less than 3 years discounted payback period but brings about extra burden on poor rural households. Based on the income from cold storage, electricity tariff of USD0.105·kWh−1 with an interest rate of 4% is suggested to be reasonable which results in 6.84 years discounted payback period especially considering non-monetary benefits of renewable energy system.


Lamidi, R., Jiang, L., Wang, Y., Pathare, P., Aguilar, M., Wang, R., …Roskilly, A. (2019). Techno-Economic Analysis of a Cogeneration System for Post-Harvest Loss Reduction: A Case Study in Sub-Saharan Rural Community. Energies, 12(5), Article 872.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Mar 1, 2019
Online Publication Date Mar 6, 2019
Publication Date Mar 1, 2019
Deposit Date Nov 4, 2019
Publicly Available Date Nov 27, 2019
Journal Energies
Publisher MDPI
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 12
Issue 5
Article Number 872
Public URL


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© This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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