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The method controls the story - Sampling method impacts on the detection of pore-water nitrogen concentrations in streambeds

Comer-Warner, Sophie; Knapp, Julia L.A.; Blaen, Phillip; Klaar, Megan; Shelley, Felicity; Zarnetske, Jay; Lee-Cullin, Joseph; Folegot, Silvia; Kurz, Marie; Lewandowski, Jorg; Harvey, Judson; Ward, Adam; Mendoza-Lera, Clara; Ullah, Sami; Datry, Thibault; Kettridge, Nicholas; Gooddy, Daren; Drummond, Jennifer; Martí, Eugènia; Milner, Alexander; Hannah, David; Krause, Stefan


Sophie Comer-Warner

Phillip Blaen

Megan Klaar

Felicity Shelley

Jay Zarnetske

Joseph Lee-Cullin

Silvia Folegot

Marie Kurz

Jorg Lewandowski

Judson Harvey

Adam Ward

Clara Mendoza-Lera

Sami Ullah

Thibault Datry

Nicholas Kettridge

Daren Gooddy

Jennifer Drummond

Eugènia Martí

Alexander Milner

David Hannah

Stefan Krause


Comer-Warner, S., Knapp, J. L., Blaen, P., Klaar, M., Shelley, F., Zarnetske, J., Lee-Cullin, J., Folegot, S., Kurz, M., Lewandowski, J., Harvey, J., Ward, A., Mendoza-Lera, C., Ullah, S., Datry, T., Kettridge, N., Gooddy, D., Drummond, J., Martí, E., Milner, A., …Krause, S. (2020). The method controls the story - Sampling method impacts on the detection of pore-water nitrogen concentrations in streambeds. Science of the Total Environment, 709,

Journal Article Type Article
Online Publication Date Mar 20, 2020
Publication Date 2020
Deposit Date Dec 9, 2020
Journal Science of the Total Environment
Print ISSN 0048-9697
Publisher Elsevier
Volume 709
Public URL