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Formation of self-assembled pattern of glycine microcrystals: experiment and computer simulation

Shur, V. Ya; Bykov, D.A.; Romanyuk, K.N.; Rumyantsev, E.L.; Kadushnikov, R.M.; Mizgulin, V.V.; S. Hosseini, E.; Kholkin, A.L.


V. Ya Shur

D.A. Bykov

K.N. Romanyuk

E.L. Rumyantsev

R.M. Kadushnikov

V.V. Mizgulin

A.L. Kholkin


The films of glycine consisting of isolated microcrystals were prepared by spin coating and drying of the aqueous solution. Drying leads to dewetting (arising and growth of the holes) and formation of quasi-regular arrays of microcrystals that form the net structure consisting of Voronoi cells. The time dependence of the hole boundary velocity leading to formation of the straight net segments was proposed. Numerical model of hole nucleation and growth by boundary motion was proposed for the computer simulation. The coincidence of the simulated structures obtained within Kolmogorov alpha-model with experimental structures confirmed the validity of proposed approach.


Shur, V. Y., Bykov, D., Romanyuk, K., Rumyantsev, E., Kadushnikov, R., Mizgulin, V., S. Hosseini, E., & Kholkin, A. (2016). Formation of self-assembled pattern of glycine microcrystals: experiment and computer simulation. Ferroelectrics, 496(1), 20-27.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Oct 30, 2015
Online Publication Date Apr 15, 2016
Publication Date 2016
Deposit Date Dec 25, 2021
Journal Ferroelectrics
Print ISSN 0015-0193
Electronic ISSN 1563-5112
Publisher Taylor and Francis Group
Volume 496
Issue 1
Pages 20-27
Keywords Crystallization; dewetting; glycine; self-assembling; computer simulation; microcrystals;
Public URL