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Bridging the gap between users and developers: user centred design of a Virtual Research Environment to support academic collaboration.

Terras, M.; Warwick, C.; Ross, C.


M. Terras

C. Ross


Terras, M., Warwick, C., & Ross, C. (2010, September). Bridging the gap between users and developers: user centred design of a Virtual Research Environment to support academic collaboration. Presented at DRHA 2010 Conference: Digital Resources for the Humanities and Arts, London

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (published)
Conference Name DRHA 2010 Conference: Digital Resources for the Humanities and Arts
Publication Date 2010-09
Deposit Date Sep 5, 2014
Book Title DRHA 2010 Conference: Digital Resources for the Humanities and Arts Sunday 5th September - Wednesday 8th September 2010.
Public URL
Publisher URL