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Data Acquisition Software for Controlling Serial Ports with Cloud Data Storage

Asquith, J.D.; Toll, D.G.


J.D. Asquith


Hehua Zhu

Xiaojun Li

Mohamed Rouainia


A common requirement of laboratory and field data collection is for automated data logging software to control instrumentation and report on the results. Large projects may require a range of different instrumentation each with its own preferred method for storing data that increases overheads during analysis. The prototype software described herein attempts to address some of these issues by providing a general framework for controlling any serial port device and organising data centrally in a cloud based data storage solution. The benefits include a fully queryable results database, storage of settings in the cloud allowing for easy relocation of hardware and an advanced serial port controller where nearly any physical system can be described and functions automated with real time feedback to the user.


Asquith, J., & Toll, D. (2014). Data Acquisition Software for Controlling Serial Ports with Cloud Data Storage. In D. G. Toll, H. Zhu, A. Osman, W. Coombs, X. Li, & M. Rouainia (Eds.), Information Technology in Geo-Engineering (163-169).

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (Published)
Conference Name 2nd International Conference on Information Technology in Geo-Engineering
Start Date Jul 21, 2014
End Date Jul 22, 2014
Publication Date 2014
Deposit Date Mar 15, 2016
Publisher IOS Press
Volume 3
Pages 163-169
Series Title Advances in Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering
Series ISSN 2212-781X
Book Title Information Technology in Geo-Engineering
ISBN 978-1-61499-416-9
Public URL